BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community

All Are Truly Welcome!
The BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community (BeLoved ICC) is a group of people committed to following Jesus' way of love in our beloved Catholic tradition.
We hope that each person who is seeking God will come and be loved by the Holy One who is known by so many names and images - as well as by the members of this kind and compassionate community. ​​
Praying Together
We meet at 5 PM ET every Sunday on Zoom for prayer. The first Sunday of the month, we celebrate Mass in the Boston Metrowest area as well as online. A light supper follows. All other Sundays, we meet for a 30-minute, engaging, hope-filled prayer service.​​​
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Get all the details on our prayer services and Masses
What to expect at BeLoved Services
At our services, we focus on God's amazing love and Jesus coming to show us the way of love. We pray in a variety of ways - through word, music, meditation, visio divino and more. We learn from and pray with both the Saints (canonized) and saints (holy people). We use inclusive language and images.
These are the prayers that we use at Mass.
We hope that you will join us and experience God's beauty and love in our community.

BeLoved Community members used these words to describe their experiences.
The BeLoved is co-led by the "Faithful 15," a team of lay people and clergy who prayerfully co-create our services. Our pastor is Rev. AndreaGrace, an ordained Roman Catholic Woman Priest. Watch the video of her homily at her ordination. Learn more about her order of priests.
For more information, contact Hello(AT) or fill out the Contact Form below. ​