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The Visitation - the visitations


Rev. AndreaGrace reflects:

Jump for Joy by ArtByCorby

There are many things that make me crazy about the Catholic Church – this religious family into which I was born and whose culture is interwoven in the generations of my own family.


AND there are many things I treasure about the Catholic Church. One of them is Feast Days – days we pause and remember and celebrate.


Today is one of those days – The Feast of the Visitation – when we remember a Divine Encounter between two Jewish women – Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin, Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.


The Feast of the Visitation is even more special because it’s my sister’s birthday. The story of Mary and Elizabeth resonates in my life with my sister. When I reflect on the gift who my sister is, I know that she makes the world a better place, in part, because she provides “visitation moments” for so many women, from all walks of life. I also treasure my own older cousin who has sharead many visitation moments with me.


I’ve been prayerfully pondering The Visitation story in preparation for a retreat on Monday. The Faithful 15 who lead the BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community will be meeting to reflect on our year and where we understand the Holy One is leading our Community. We will use The Visitation story to center our time together. Please keep us in your prayers.


This morning, I was led to write this prayer-poem. May it touch your heart and lead you to reflect on and give thanks for your own journey, the people with whom you’ve had visitations and the moments you have shared.


The Visitation – the visitations: A Prayer Poem

penned by Rev. AndreaGrace on May 31, 2024


The Visitation

remembering when Mary,

pregnant with Jesus,

went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth,

pregnant with John the Baptist

The joy


the visitations

remembering all the times

that I have visited with

the women (and men) in my life

the joy we have experienced

the quiet joy

the times we laughed so we wouldn’t cry

and the times we laughed so hard we did cry


from age to age

led by the Spirit

filled with the Spirit

transfigured to carry the Spirit


the story is the same

their story – our story


two women deeply connected

heart to heart

the expanding circles of love

that provide safety nets and

launching pads


the mature and the young

the believers

the impossible becoming possible


the power of “sisters”

generous hospitality

sharing a transformative season of our lives



comforting and questioning

affirming and strengthening

looking back

            being present

            hoping for tomorrow

planting seeds for their children

            and their children’s children


a deepening faith through their own experiences

            and sharing those of others


moments to pause

that draw us and

            elevate us

                        more fully into the Holy


that was then

this is now



Would you like to go deeper?


Read the story in the Christian Bible, Luke 1: 39-52.

You can find different versions of the Bible at and on their app. I often use The Message which has updated the original language to our contemporary words, offering a different understanding.

Pray with The Magnificat – Hannah and Mary’s Prayers

In the Jewish Scriptures, we read about Hannah who became miraculously pregnant with the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1). After his birth, she offers a prayer that becomes a model for a prayer (1 Samuel 2) that Mary offers during the Visitation. Catholics call Mary’s prayer, the Magnificat.


  • Consider Hannah and Mary’s Magnificats and prayerfully write your own!


  • Pray with this contemporary version of a Magnificat by Miriam Therese Winter that acknowledges The Divine Feminine.

Visitation by Ministry of The Arts

She Who has power to open the womb

has done great things for me.

Holy is Her name.

Her mercy flows

through mother to daughter

from generation to generation.

Her maternal strength

strikes at the root of evil,

and it departs.

She pushes the proud

from the pinnacles of power

and lifts up little people.

She feeds her hungry daughters,

but those who are filled to the brim

with opportunity,

She sends away.

She soothes all those who turn to Her,

remembering Her compassion,

keeping Her promise to Her progeny forever.


Pray with Pictures

This blogpost has two very different images of The Visitation. Are you drawn to one? Sit with the image, breathing in the Spirit and noticing what comes to you.

Pray with Music

Pray with Others

  • Reach out to the people with whom you’ve had visitations and thank them!

  • Forward this blogpost to a "Mary or Elizabeth" in your life.

  • Invite someone over to your home to share about your spiritual journeys.

  • Plan a trip with another Spirit-filled woman.

Share with the Divine

  • Thank the Holy One for the stories of our ancestors, the people with whom we’ve had visitations, the visitations themselves.

  • Considering praying for more Spirit-filled companions and more soul-filling moments.

  • Write a letter to God or a journal entry about a "Mary or Elizabeth" in your own life or a visitation moment you have had.

Through these prayer experiences, we will come to know God's love more intimately and also share the love more abundantly.

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1 comentario

05 jun 2024


I love your very intimate visitation message and am grateful for your always joyful Spirit.


Christina Homer

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