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AndreaGrace Weaver

A Love Letter with Joy-filled Gratitude

Dear Beloved Companion –


Today is the Feast of Mary Magdalene.

All four gospels agree that Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb, found it empty and was the first to tell the other apostles that Jesus had risen. For this reason, Pope Francis has resurrected her ancient title of “Apostle to the Apostles.” She is considered the patroness of the women priest movement. So – to all my companion priests in the movement and all who support us – Happy Feast Day or as we say in Italian, Buon Onomastico!

Today is My One-Year Anniversary of Ordination to the Priesthood

Today marks the one-year anniversary of my ordination as a Roman Catholic Woman Priest. Last week, someone asked me why I did it! Why did I choose to break the Canon Law and become ordained in apostolic succession – in a lineage of bishops that can theoretically trace their roots back to the apostles and Mary Magdalene?


The Four Reasons Why I Chose to be Ordained

1)    I chose to be ordained first and foremost – because it is what God called me to do. God put “consecrated life” on my heart when I was a child – along with being a wife and mother to four. In being ordained, I stepped fully into my vocation, my calling. I was made whole, complete. I’m happy to share about my discernment process if you are interested.


2)    I chose to be ordained because in order to end suppressive laws, we need people who are willing to break the law. Think Rosa Parks sitting on the front of the bus and those who sat at the luncheon-counters. Over the last few years, I’ve learned so much about the women priests and bishops in the early Christian Church. I’ve also learned how people in power suppress and destroy evidence, changing the his-story that is passed on. This is certainly true in the Catholic Church, especially in regards to women in leadership positions in the first millennium. Thankfully, more and more people are showing us the evidence and re-writing history, much like we are doing with the truth about our United States his-story.


In her book, The Time Is Now: A Call to Uncommon Courage, Joan Chittister writes: “Dissent – prophetic spirituality – jeopardizes the status quo…. Who is being advantaged by maintaining the present situation and who stands to lose if it changes?” Sit with that for a minute or two…. Perhaps the all-male structure of the Catholic Church will come to mind.  


3)    I chose to be ordained because I wanted to be the change I wished to see in the world, as Gandhi encouraged, and to give people vision of what can be. When people meet me, they are often touched by my enthusiasm for God. “Enthusiasm” actually comes from the root – “To be in Theos – in God.” That’s where I’m living these days and it gives me great joy which spills over to those whom I meet. In Acts 2:46, 47, we read that after the Pentecost: Every day, united in Spirit, they would assemble together in the temple. They would break bread in their homes and share their food with joyful and generous hearts as they praised God. That is what people often experience when they come to Mass with me... and this Triune God whom I serve and I often call “Divine Love” and “Holy-Mystery-Creating-Goodness.” Like the early Church, I am part of a team that is prayerfully building this community together, planning and leading our Liturgies, prayer services. St. Paul taught that we must be as one human body each with a different part. I am fully cognizant that each member of this team has different gifts and different ways to serve, each with a wonder-filled wisdom they bring to the table. I am so very grateful for that. We work as one body in Christ and I am but a part. I am also told that people feel the love, the generosity and the unity of this community. That’s what Jesus was all about: Come! You are welcome here! Regardless!  May it be so.


4)    Finally, I was ordained so that if my nieces, bonus daughters or future granddaughters discern that they have a call to the priesthood, the road will be much easier for them.


Thank YOU

In concluding, I thank YOU for your amazing support over the past couple of years. I thank YOU for your encouraging words; for your hope-filled emails, notes and calls; for coming to my ordination; for praying with the BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Communityt. I thank you for opening your heart to me and trusting me to hold it tenderly in Divine Love. I thank you for inviting me to share the milestones in your life and those of your circle of love. I thank you for asking me to pray with you – one of my very favorite things to do. I thank you for loving me – and in doing so, for loving this amazing God we serve… Together, we are ushering in a new way of being the Catholic Church.


Let's Pray

May Mary Magdalene continue to guide the women priest movement. May the tomb of restricted priesthood be open wide so that all whom Jesus calls to proclaim the good news of resurrection hope can do so joyfully with the freedom and resources they need to carry out their Divine Mission. Amen. May it be so.


In Divine Love and Service

with deep gratitude and overflowing joy-

Rev. AndreaGrace

PS - You may watch the homily from my ordination here.

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