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To My Christian Companions: Happy Advent and Happy New Year!


Rev. AndreaGrace writes:


Today begins a new year in the Christian Church and it begins the season of Advent.

Advent comes From the Latin root meaning “arrival.” In this season, we prepare for the arrival of Christ while we also recognize that "God is with us." That is what “Emmanuel” means.


O Come, O Come Emmanuel

One of the most ancient and beloved hymns for the season of Advent is “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” There are so many variations of this song today. One of my favorites is from Steve Angrisano. It has the same words but a different rhythm. That’s why I treasure it. It’s how I’m trying to live: taking the treasures of our spiritual past and make them relevant, meaningful... enjoyable. It’s what we are doing in the BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community. Take a listen:


Consider joining us for services on zoom each Sunday of Advent at 5 PM ET. I’m certain that your spirit will be lifted. Today, the first Sunday of the month, we also meet in-person for a Mass in Sudbury, MA. A perfect way to start the holy-day season. Sign-up here and al the details will be sent to you.


The Annunciation

When we consider the story of Jesus’ birth, there is the ancient history contained in The Hebrew Scriptures, the Old Testament. Then, there is the “annunciation” when the angel Gabriel visited Mary, told her that God had chosen her to be the mother of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with Us. Again, there are many visual and musical renditions of this event. Check out this contemporary version of both a song and an image. “Let it be done unto me.”

The artwork is from the daily devotional booklet that the BeLoved Community is using this Advent. If you’d like a copy of the booklet, reach out to me.

Spiritual New Year’s Resolutions

In our secular new year, we make New Year’s resolutions.  I wonder about making a spiritual new year’s resolution….

What might a spiritual resolution be? Perhaps it is:

·      Spending time alone with God on a regular basis, nurturing that relationship

·      Starting our day by singing “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”

·      Beginning our day by saying: Let it be done to me O God. I am here to do your will.

·      Spending time praying in community – the BeLoved community would love to have you join us

·      Share about your faith journey with someone, invite them to join you

·      Spreading kindness each day

·      Choosing love whenever possible

·      Ending our day with A to Z gratitude – thanking God for things from every letter of the alphabet

"To you Oh God, I lift my eyes. In You, I place my trust."

In the Common Lectionary used by many Christian churches, today’s Psalm is 25 which begins: To you Oh God, I lift my eyes. In You, I place my trust. Prayerfully pondering that line might lead us to ways in which we can grow this Advent season. How do I turn to God? When do I turn to God? Can I lift my eyes and gaze into the eyes of my Divine Beloved?


Do I trust God with the little and big things in my life… from helping me get through my to-do list, to helping my child get into the best college for them, to helping me find a new job or life partner? By spending time with God, and talking with God about what’s on my heart as well as noticing God working in my life, I can grow in that trust. If you’d like some “spiritual coaching” on this, do reach out! I’d LOVE to help you learn how to nurture your relationship with God and develop a repetoire of spiritual exercises!


Let’s pray…

Oh God, thank you for being with us since the beginning of time,. Thank you for sending so many prophets and saints to show us the way. Thank you for Jesus, Emmanuel, God with Us. Thank you for your angels who carry your messages, guide and protect us. Thank you for Mary and Joseph and their important YESes to Your will and Your way. Through this Advent season, may we say YES to you in big and little ways. May we nurture our relationship with you, growing more intimately in your love and being transformed to share it more abundantly. In Your many holy names we pray. Amen.

PS - If you enjoyed this message, please forward it to a friend.

PPS - If you need some spiritual nourishment, join me for services any Sunday at 5 PM ET..

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