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Take and Receive: The Multiplication of the Loaves and...

AndreaGrace Weaver

Oh how I treasure this story! Do you know the one I mean?


There a few in The Bible that echo God's provision and generosity. The manna that came down from heaven as the Israelites walked through the desert to their freedom. Elisha and the 20 barley loaves that were multiplied to feed more than 100 people – with leftovers. The ones about Jesus feeding the 4000 men and their families or the 5000 families.


I wonder: have you experienced an unexpected multiplication in your own life?

I AM a Joan Chittister Writer-In-Residence

So – here I AM at Mount St. Benedict with the Sisters in Erie, Pennsylvania. They have a writer-in-residence program which invites writers to come, work on a piece of writing that supports “the work and legacy of Sister Joan Chittister,” live here for free, be part of this prayerful community of AMAZING women, present on my work and receive a stipend. The Spirit pointed out the opportunity to me, I applied and was accepted. I’ll fill you in on my project another day – but speaking of multiplication…. The blessings here have just flowed. You can read more about it in the prayer-poem below.

FieldTrip to Hildegard Haus

I took a field-trip yesterday to Hildegard Haus in Fairport Harbor Ohio – about a 90-minute drive

west from The Mount. I was introduced to St. Hildegard about 25 years ago when my spiritual director gave me a book on praying with this amazing woman. She’s remained a favorite of mine…. Hildgard Haus’ pastor, Rev. Shanon Sterringer, is another Roman Catholic Woman Priest who is a St. Hildegard scholar and devotee. While I’ve been at the Mount, I read Shanon’s book, Forbidden Grace: Hildegard of Bingen and a Modern Women's Call to the Catholic Priesthood – which I highly recommend. The book chronicles and parallels the two women’s lives – more than seven centuries apart.


Hildegard Haus is a little slice of heaven. It is a beautiful old Church which has been renovated and become a Hildgard Shrine. There are beautiful herb gardens and a statue of Rosa, the Shepherdess (pictured on the right). Picnic tables invite people to come and sit and chat. In the Church Basement is the Celestial Library – donated by Celeste Dagmar. Celeste was one of the original RCWP ordained in apostolic succession in 2002. These women are known as the Danube 7 and through their YESes and ministry, Shanon and I are among about 300 women priests in more than a dozen countries.

Inside the Church

On my way to Shanon’s, she asked if I wanted to co-celebrate Mass with her. At first, I said NO as I was tired after a full day…. But as I finished my drive, I changed my mind. I went in and sat in the Sanctuary. Shanon invited me to “vest” – put on the garments worn at Mass. She had an abundance of choices, but we started with “the prettiest.” She selected a beautiful stole (scarf) that Jim Marsh, another priest in the movement had made. There are a handful of men in the “Women Priest movement” – because they have a Divine Calling and are either married or gay – and so are excluded from priesthood in the Institutional Church.


The Gospel and Shared Homily

I spent some time reviewing the Gospel – which is a story about Jesus’ life. It turns out – this gospel was John’s account (chapter 6) of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. All four gospels include this miracle (Matthew 14, Mark 6 and Luke 9). John’s version includes the apostles Phillip and Andrew and a little boy who brings forward loaves. There is a wonderful picture book of this account called “Small Gifts in God’s Hands” by Max Lucado. You may watch it being read aloud here. By the way, it’s one of my favorite books!


In many of the Women Priest Masses, there are shared homilies. The priest shares for a few minutes and then the community members are invited to share their own experience and wisdom, what is resonating with them, inspiring them or what they are curious about. There was a young family with two little boys who were well… being little children! The dad shared about all of the help they receive in raising these little human gifts. Then, he went on to say about how their family has hosted refugee families and witnessed all the resources shared to help establish these new immigrants. Another woman shared that by Jesus beginning to share the bread, she was certain others were inspired to share what they had and that she has experienced this throughout her life. So beautiful.


I shared about all of the abundance with which Shanon and I have been blessed – in our personal lives with our husbands, children and growing families; in our accomplished careers; and in our ministry…. Being a woman priest has brought more blessings than I ever could have imagined – like the opportunity to be at The Mount writing…. Or in a community of priests all over the country who are so supportive of one another. In fact, we were four women priests at that Mass and a diocesan priest who was “adopted” by Shanon’s family decades ago. Five priests at one Mass – what a gift. Each of the individuals gathered with us…. what a gift. Each of you reading this – and every member of my BeLoved Inclusive Catholic Community. Gifts!

A Blessing

Shanon invited me to do the final blessing...

I offer it now to you….


May this amazing God we love and serve bless you and keep you

May this God of Love make Their face to shine upon you and be gracious to you

May this God of love, grant you peace.

May you be open to receive the abundant blessings in your life.

May you go forth showing your love for God by serving one another.



Prayer Experience with Poetry: Take and Receive

Breathe in Spirit until you are at peace. Read the following poem that I was inspired to write today. Notice which words or lines resonate with you. Which draw you in? What moves you to a new place? What is God inviting you to take and receive?

You say so clearly:

Take and receive

This is for you.

There is enough.

No need to give back.

No need to share.


Take and receive.

The sign of peace is exchanged

hand to hand

heart to heart

souls connecting through our eyes


Take and receive.

The Eucharistic Minister puts

            The Blessed Bread in my hand

            and with an additional act of God’s generous love -

            wraps her hand around mine with a gentle smile


Take and receive.

I go inward and connect with The Divine Presence


Take and receive.

The expressions of generosity here at The Mount

            the warmest of welcomes

            the offers of assistance – from clearing my tray to reading my chapters

            the invitations to Horarium Prayer, heartfelt conversations and the safari

            the bringing of my meals and medical supplies when I was isolated with COVID

            the spacious ground and gorgeous views

the radical hospitality of these

special women, holy women, blessed women –

feminists who have paved the way for me


Take and receive.

The presence of my circle of love beyond The Mount

those who are encouraging me

and inviting me

and waiting with me expectantly

and companioning me

and holding me in loving prayers


Take and receive.

You remind me of the Divine Encounters

I’ve had here at the The Mount

with Madonna-Shekinah

and Jesus the Liberator

and the One-Who-Is-Present-In-the-Tabernacle


Take and receive.

the gifts

the presence

the full life

the hope

the healing

the freedom

the wisdom

the affirmation


Take and receive.

I feel the hands being placed gently on my shoulders.

I turn to see.

It’s the woman I met playing cards

            the one who said she would never go to Mass with a woman priest

            the one who asked questions throughout the very long game

            the one who had been seated all through this Mass

She is now standing so that she can whisper in my ear:

            "One day, maybe you will celebrate Mass for us."

I smile…. and question:  Will you come?

“Yes!” she says with a twinkle in her eyes.


Will you take and receive?

Prayer Experience with Art

This is one of my favorite images of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. It's a painting on canvas called the Miracle of Two Fishes and Five Loaves by Janet Hyun, USA and was included in Current Day. I invite you to Breathe in Spirit. Then, sit and gaze at the image. Notice what comes to your mind and heart. Thank God for the blessings in your life. Talk with God about how you’ve experienced abundance or generosity. Is God inviting you to share or receive in some way? What do you want to carry with you from this experience?


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